Optimizing Sorption Enhanced Methanation (SEM) of CO2 with Ni3Fe + LTA 5A mixtures
Our new paperOptimizing Sorption Enhanced Methanation (SEM) of CO2 with Ni3Fe + LTA 5A mixtures has been published (19-03-2025) in Catalysis Today.
New Paper published: Effect of particles size and density on the segregation of catalyst sorption-enhanced DME synthesis: Experimental and mathematical study
Our new paper Effect of particles size and density on the segregation of catalyst sorption-enhanced DME synthesis: Experimental and mathematical study has been published (12-03-2025) in Biomass and Bioenergy
New Paper published: Biogas upgrading through CO2 methanation in a multiple-inlet fixed bed reactor: Simulated parametric analysis
Our new paper Biogas upgrading through CO2 methanation in a multiple-inlet fixed bed reactor: Simulated parametric analysis has been published (12/02/2025) in Journal of CO2 Utilization.
New Paper published: Multifunctional fluidized bed reactors for process intensification
Our new paper: Multifunctional fluidized bed reactors for process intensification, has just been published (31 July 2024) in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science.
New Paper published: Dependence of the Fluidizing Condition on Operating Parameters for Sorption-Enhanced Methanol Synthesis Catalyst and Adsorbent
Our new paper: Dependence of the Fluidizing Condition on Operating Parameters for Sorption-Enhanced Methanol Synthesis Catalyst and Adsorbent, has just been published (09 July 2024) in Catalysts.
Premio a la mejor contribución de la división de Procesos y Reciclado para Carlota Mur dentro de las XIII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores del I3A
Nuestra compañera Carlota Mur recibió dicho galardón por su contribución en materia de uso, captura y almacenamiento de CO2 mediante síntesis de silicatos
New Paper published: A Preliminary Assessment of Sorption-Enhanced Methanol Synthesis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor with Selective Addition/Removal of the Sorbent
Our new paper:A Preliminary Assessment of Sorption-Enhanced Methanol Synthesis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor with Selective Addition/Removal of the Sorbent, has just been published (28 June 2024) in Catalysts.
New Paper published: Biogas upgrading through CO2 methanation in a polytropic – distributed feed fixed bed reactor
Our new paper:Biogas upgrading through CO2 methanation in a polytropic – distributed feed fixed bed reactor, has just been published (04 June 2024) in Catalysis Today.
New Paper published: Lindane removal by catalytic hydrodechlorination
Our new paper: Lindane removal by catalytic hydrodechlorination has just been published (04 June 2024) in Applied Catalysis O: Open