Call: +34 876 555 485


Address: Lab 4.2.10 c/Mariano Esquillor SN Edificio I+D+i, I3A, 50018, Zaragoza (Spain)

Sideral: See the profile (CV)


Hello! My name is Pablo Sanz, and I graduated in Chemical Engineering in 2023 from the University of Zaragoza. My undergraduate studies concluded with a Bachelor’s Thesis (TFG) titled “Intensification of the CO₂ methanation process using multifunctional catalysts in a fixed-bed reactor.” Later, in 2025, I earned a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, completing a Master’s Thesis (TFM) on “ Techno-economic assessment of a plant for production of synthetic natural gas from biogas, via catalytic methanation.”

I am currently working full-time as a Junior Researcher (N4) in the Catalysis and Reactor Engineering Research Group (CREG). Previously, I gained experience as a research intern through a Collaboration Grant at the University of Zaragoza and with the SECAT Introduction to Research in Catalysis (2023) program.




Mercader Plou, Víctor Daniel; Ruiz-Alejos, David; de Jong, Wiebren; Durán, Paul; Aragüés Aldea, Pablo; Sanz Monreal, Pablo; Becerril, Miguel Ángel; Francés, Eva; Herguido, Javier; Peña, José Ángel

Influence of Ni-Fe load in a bimetallic catalyst supported on Zeolite 13X for CO2 methanation in a fixed bed reactor Proceedings

vol. 12, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX

Sanz Monreal, Pablo; Mercader Plou, Víctor; Durán Sánchez, Paúl; Francés Pérez, Eva; Herguido Huerta, Javier; Peña Llorente, José Ángel

Modelado cinético para la metanación de CO2 sobre un catalizador Ni3Fe/Al2O3. Proceedings

vol. 12, 2024.

Enlaces | BibTeX


Mercader Plou, Víctor Daniel; Sanz Monreal, Pablo; Durán, Paul; Aragüés Aldea, Pablo; Francés, Eva; Herguido Hüerta, Javier; Peña, José Ángel

Enhanced methanation assisted by CO2 adsorption on a bimetallic catalytic fixed bed reactor Proceedings

vol. 11, 2023.

Enlaces | BibTeX