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Address: Office 4.2.8 c/Mariano Esquillor SN Edificio I+D+i, I3A, 50018, Zaragoza (Spain)

Sideral: See the profile (CV)


I have held the position of Full Professor in the field of Chemical Engineering at the School of Engineering and Architecture (EINA) within the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) since June 2017. My academic journey began with a bachelor’s degree in 1989, followed by a master’s degree in science (Chemistry) with a specialization in Technical/Industrial Chemistry in 1990. I earned my doctorate from the same institution in 1994, completing the doctoral program in Chemical Engineering.

My early research focus revolved around catalyst deactivation due to coke formation during my predoctoral studies. Subsequently, during my postdoctoral work, I delved into the safety aspects of runaway reactors. Since 2002, my research has primarily revolved around the production, purification, and utilization of hydrogen as an energy vector using unconventional methods. This involves converting products derived from the pyrolysis of natural gas, biogas, bio-oil, and various raw materials into biofuels, particularly biomethane, using agricultural, livestock, and urban waste. I have co-authored over fifty indexed articles, primarily in Q1 journals, and have made more than one hundred and fifty contributions to conferences, many of which were held internationally. I have played a leading role in 12 out of 34 institutional research projects and am also a co-author of a USPTO patent with industrial applications, granted in 2000. During my academic journey, I spent time abroad, conducting part of my predoctoral studies at the University of Salford in the United Kingdom and a postdoctoral stay at Fauske & Associates in Illinois, USA. Additionally, I have co-supervised ten doctoral PhD theses and have been recognized for my research achievements with five consecutive research six-year periods (sexenios), the latest in 2020.

From an educational perspective, I have had the privilege of teaching various subjects in Chemical Sciences (Faculty of Sciences), Food Science and Technology (Faculty of Veterinary), and Chemical Engineering (School of Engineering and Architecture). I have also contributed to national and European university master’s programs, and have offered specialized courses in the doctoral program of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at UNIZAR, a program recognized for its quality since 2005. Currently, I am involved in teaching master’s programs in Chemical Engineering, Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, and I serve as the co-director of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Hydrogen Technologies (MITH), all at the University of Zaragoza. My teaching expertise encompasses the areas of Simulation and Optimization of Chemical Processes, Safety and Risk Analysis in the Chemical Industry, and Hydrogen Energy. I have received recognition for my teaching efforts with six consecutive five-year teaching periods (quinquenios), the latest awarded in 2021.

A significant part of my academic career has also been dedicated to various management roles. I have served as the Professor Secretary of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies from 2000 to 2002 and as the Associate Director of the Higher Polytechnic Center (now known as the School of Engineering and Architecture – EINA) from 2002 to 2007, both at UNIZAR. Additionally, I held the position of Associate Director from 2008 to 2015 and again from 2019 to 2023 at the Aragon Institute of Engineering Research (I3A), where I also coordinated the Processes and Recycling Division from 2008 to 2015 and from 2019 to 2023. My experience extends to consultancy roles with research and prospective agencies, both nationally and internationally, including South American, European, and Middle Eastern organizations. I have actively participated in processes related to the evaluation and accreditation of quality and standardization since 2005, working with both private institutions like AENOR and public entities such as ANECA, MADRI+D Foundation and DEVA-AAC. My involvement in academic governance includes positions such as Member (representative of technical areas) in the Research Commission of the University of Zaragoza from 1998 to 2002, President of the Chemical Engineering Degree Commission, President of the Research Commission, and the Quality Assurance Commission of the I3A, as well as serving as a member of the Degree’s and Master’s Quality Commission at EINA. I have also been a Member of the faculty Senatus at UNIZAR from 2012 to 2021 and of the School Board at EINA since 2004.




61 registros « 1 de 13 »


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Enriquecimiento de biogás por metanación de CO2 sobre Ni-MnxOy en reactor de lecho fijo con alimentación distribuida Proceedings

vol. 12, 2024.

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Modelado cinético para la metanación de CO2 sobre un catalizador Ni3Fe/Al2O3. Proceedings

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Mercader Plou, Víctor Daniel; Ruiz-Alejos, David; de Jong, Wiebren; Durán, Paul; Aragüés Aldea, Pablo; Sanz Monreal, Pablo; Becerril, Miguel Ángel; Francés, Eva; Herguido, Javier; Peña, José Ángel

Influence of Ni-Fe load in a bimetallic catalyst supported on Zeolite 13X for CO2 methanation in a fixed bed reactor Proceedings

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Metanación de biogás en reactor de lecho fijo. Influencia de la configuración de la alimentación Proceedings

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Mur Mur, Carlota; Peña, José Ángel; Cacho, Fernando; Menéndez, Miguel

Producción de sílice precipitada mediante CO2 Proceedings

vol. 12, 2024.

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61 registros « 1 de 13 »